Open Edit Class
This will be an open edit class for those of any experience level to improve their skills. If students would like to learn editing from scratch, they will learn to source and download materials to create their own informational videos. Students will choose their subject of interest, write a short ~150 word script, and find footage, images, and text online to use in their project. They will record a voiceover and can choose from a wide variety of music in our APM music library. Students will learn to put all the pieces together and edit in Davinci Resolve. By the end of three classes, each student will have their very own informational video to show.
If students have their own existing projects they'd like to learn to edit with, that is also welcome. Use of Premiere Pro and Final Cut are welcome as well.
Class length: 2 hours/day, 3 days (one day/week)
Cost: $60/3 days

Adobe Premiere Pro Class
Learn to use Adobe Premiere Pro, a non-linear editing program, in this comprehensive class. This class will cover importing and analyzing footage, editing, transforming video, audio skills, effects and transitions, and exporting. Completion of this class certifies students to use GATE computers for editing.
2 hours / 6 mtgs / weekly

DaVinci Resolve Edit Class
Learn the basics of editing and color correction in Davinci Resolve, a powerful and free editing platform you can download for personal use at home. This class is ideal for beginner editors and certifies students to use GATe computers for editing.
2 hours / 3 mtgs / weekly
Recreation Classes
These are classes offered by GATe in partnership with the Greenbelt Recreation Department. Class registration can be found through Rec Link and the Greenbelt Recreation Department's seasonal activity guide.
Click here to view the current Recreation Activity Guide
Registration begins at 10 AM : Nov. 25th (residents), Dec. 2nd (non-residents)

Learn basic skills to create an original character and background on the Mac or your own device. We’ll add simple motions, audio and credits to your project, and share the results on Greenbelt Access Television and YouTube! Some simple drawing required.
147601-1 Tu 5 - 7 pm / CC-204 (GATe STUDIO)
10 mtgs: 1/7 - 3/11
R: $105, NR: $115
Instructor: George Kochell

AGES 8-15
Tell your own story with stop motion animation! The class will begin with a recorded discussion of memories, dreams, and recollections which will be the basis of your project. Students will craft jointed-puppets out of paper, as well as backgrounds and props to enhance their story. As the class progresses, you’ll learn to use the Stop Motion Studio app to record some stop-motion animation, and finish off your project with some simple editing. Greenbelt Access Television (GATe) will provide all necessary equipment and materials. This class includes a GATe membership for the WINTER session
137602-1 M 5:30 - 7 pm / CC-204 (GATe STUDIO)
6 mtgs: 1/6 - 2/24 (No class 1/20, 2/17)
R: $105, NR: $115
Instructor: Ali Everitt

This 1 day, 3-hour workshop will teach you how to tell a cinematic story with your smart phone! Students will learn skills like smart phone camera usage, shot composition, adjusting camera / audio level settings on their devices, stabilization, and editing footage to tell a visually compelling story. Only a smart phone is required! All other software and equipment will be provided by Greenbelt Access Television (GATE).
157601-1 F 5:30 - 8:30 pm / CC-204 (GATe STUDIO)
1 mtg: 1/10
R: $50, NR: $60
157601-2 F 5:30 - 8:30 pm / CC-204 (GATe STUDIO)
1 mtg: 2/7
R: $50, NR: $60
Instructor: Sheila Tilert

AGES 10-12
Digital animation class for home schooled students that takes place every Fall, Winter, and Spring on Mondays at 11am. Students learn basic skills to create an original character and background on the Mac or your own device. We'll add simple motions, audio and credits to your project, and share the results on Greenbelt Access Television and YouTube! Some simple drawing required. (Includes 2025 GATE Family Membership.)
M 11am - 1pm
10 mtgs: 1/13, 1/27, 2/3, 2/10, 2/24, 3/3, 3/10, 3/17, 3/24, 3/31
(No classes on 1/20, 2/17)
Space limited to 7 seats
$200 New students
$175 Returning students
(Checks payable to GATE)
Instructor: George Kochell
Email the instructor for details.

AGES 12+
Digital animation class for home schooled students that takes place every Fall, Winter, and Spring on Mondays at 1:30pm. Students learn basic skills to create an original character and background on the Mac or your own device. We'll add simple motions, audio and credits to your project, and share the results on Greenbelt Access Television and YouTube! Some simple drawing required. (Includes 2025 GATE Family Membership.)
M 1:30pm - 3:30pm
10 mtgs: 1/13, 1/27, 2/3, 2/10, 2/24, 3/3, 3/10, 3/17, 3/24, 3/31
(No classes on 1/20, 2/17)
Space limited to 7 seats
$200 New students
$175 Returning students
(Checks payable to GATE)
Instructor: George Kochell
Email the instructor for details.

Join us for an overview of what public access television means in Greenbelt and an introduction to GATe’s policies and procedures. We encourage interested parties to attend this free class before joining so they can decide if GATe is right for them.
Pre-requisite: None.
Class length: 1 hour (one day)
Cost: FREE

Panasonic HC-X2000 Camera Class
This class instructs members on the use of the Panasonic HC-X2000 production cameras. Students will learn the basics of exposure, composition, tripod setup, camera connections, gain, white balance, and other essential knowledge for running cameras. This class certifies the student to operate the Panasonic cameras.
Class length: 2-3 hours (two days)
Cost: $50
GATE Classes
Register for our exclusive classes directly on our site or email greenbeltaccess@gmail.com for schedule info.