GATe Code of Ethics
GATe Code of Ethics
Respect for the Greenbelt community we work with and serve.
Integrity in our actions.
Responsibility for our decisions and their consequences.
We are committed to:
Acting honestly, truthfully and with integrity in all our transactions and dealings;
Avoiding conflicts of interest;
Appropriately handling actual or apparent conflicts of interest in our relationships;
Treating GATe grantees fairly;
Treating every individual with dignity and respect;
Treating GATE employees with respect, fairness and good faith and providing conditions of employment that safeguard their rights and welfare;
Being a responsible citizen and complying with both the spirit and the letter of the law;
Acting responsibly toward and for the benefit of the Greenbelt community in which we work and serve;
Being responsible, transparent and accountable for all of our actions; and
Improving the accountability, transparency, ethical conduct and effectiveness of the nonprofit field.
In accordance with Federal Civil Rights Law, Greenbelt Access Television (GATE), its board of directors, staff, volunteers, members, and any party representing or participating in GATE programs and programming are prohibited from discriminating on the basis of race, age, gender (including gender expression), sex, sexual orientation, disability, religious beliefs, political beliefs, nation of origin, income, marital status in any program or activity conducted, hosted, and broadcast by GATE.