Reasons to Donate:
Have a lasting impact
With your help we are able to afford the tools, equipment, and educators needed to provide resources to our members and students.
Foster creativity
Our classes enable students to learn the skills they need to create their own content and express themselves through the medium of video, film, and animation.
Invest in Education
Support us in our goal to expand our class offerings to cover a wider array of filmmaking and animation subjects.
Connect With Your Community
Your contribution will help support our efforts to bring quality content to the channel in the form of community news and neighborhood happenings.
Pay it Forward
Your donation can help us to provide more scholarships for students and members who need the extra support.
Executive Producer Credits
See your name on the air! Your name will be added to all of our in-house productions.
Other Benefits
Get free GATe merchandise and tickets to the Utopia Film Festival.